2015 Starstreet Precinct Christmas Campaign

  • Graphic & Print, Web & APP
  • 01 Dec 2015
  • Swire, Star Street Precinct
  • Back to Portfolio
It was our honour to design the 2015 Christmas Campaign for Starstreet Precinct again this year. This year’s theme is “Merry ElfieMas”, the idea is to tag your friends and family and one will transform into an elf (elf yourself), yarn bombing artists were invited to invade Starstreet Precinct with knitted elves, waiting to be found for attractive rewards. Last year’s “Be Your Own Santa” campaign was a hit, we aimed to focus on creative and fun design once again to gain attention and interactions from the audiences. We illustrated this year’s xmas mascots in collaboration with the yarn bombing artists, we also illustrated more than 60 items of clothing for the online Jingle Elf dressup game. The leaflet has a two layer surprises design, it serves as a season’s greeting as well as an elfie (selfie) photo frame. The elfie idea was also adapted into standees, a typical leaflet holder standee is too boring, so we turn it into an elfie photobooth. It was a happy scene to watch serious looking office ladies transformed into a funny elves. We hope that friends and families will enjoy the festive moment, share the joy to more people and win rewards from Starstreet Precinct. Merry ElfieMas!
很榮幸能連續兩年替太古地產(Swire Properties)創作星街小區聖誕活動的宣傳物品。 今年主題是Merry ElfieMas,星街邀請了手作藝術家製作手織的聖誕小精靈,一眾小精靈「出沒」在星街不同的角落、等待群眾來捕獲他們。 和去年的「Be Your Own Santa」一樣,我們的設計以創意、趣味性為主,打破傳統模式規限。 尤其是這次的leaflet。外觀雖看似平平無奇,但其實內藏玄機: 透過我們精心設計,利用folding和die-cut令leaflet可搖身一變為精靈相框。不但可以看,還可以玩﹗ 人們用leaflet便可以在一瞬間化身為小精靈,和一眾星街精靈、家人朋友們一起自拍留念,「攪攪震」歡度聖誕。 這樣的設計不但提升互動性,更可以吸引、鼓勵人們自拍放上社交網站。 祝大家聖誕快樂﹗和趣怪的精靈們渡過一個百厭開心的ElfieMas!